Sunday, February 20, 2011

New York - Central Park

I grew up in New York. I vaguely remember cold, snow, ice & windchill. I realize that it's been a long time since I've actually experienced it, but the reality of it literally took my breath away. It was cold enough that weekend in January that even the New Yorkers were complaining. The windchill was generally in the low digits all day long and none of my outerwear could protect my eyes from the stinging cold.

As soon as we arrived and checked into our hotel, we planned to go directly to the Museum of Natural History. That was our plan... but as soon as we walked up to the corner of 8th Ave and 59th St, I just had to walk through Central Park. Three hours later, we were still there. I felt like a little kid in a toy store. Everything was SO pretty and so different than what I see in South Florida. For a brief time I sort of forgot about the cold.






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